This past early afternoon Rupert Grint attended the London World Premiere of Postman Pat: The Movie. We now have some photos in our gallery, as well as some from fans here, here, and here and are currently looking for video and other interviews. In the meantime, take a look at this very odd Daily Mail interview - hard to tell if it happened with the DM, but okay. Some quotes below.
What is your earliest memory?My first birthday. I’m sitting in a pushchair, surrounded by lots of people. We’re at some kind of summer fête in a car park. I’m looking at a large birthday cake in the shape of a train and I’m watching my mum cut the first slice. I’m thinking, ‘Life is good.’
Tell us a secret about yourself.
I like to carve sculptures out of crayons. I started doing it to pass the time on the set of the Harry Potter films. Throw an idea at me and I’ll turn it into a crayon sculpture – anything from a baby squirrel to Harvey Keitel’s head. My favourites are busts of Shakespeare, Abraham Lincoln and Bill Murray. I’m about to do a Ronnie Corbett, which would require a smaller crayon.
Who would play you in a film of your life?
Eddie Murphy has got a good track record of playing multiple characters. He could play me, all my family and all my friends. It would be a Rupert Grint version of The Nutty Professor. It would be worth buying a ticket to see Eddie Murphy in a ginger wig.
Who do you most admire?
I’ve got a lot of time for Richard Dawkins. Just recently I finished reading The God Delusion and it struck a chord with me. I’ve got a bit of an obsession with religion and how it affects society. I went to a Catholic primary school and religion was fed to me quite aggressively. Now I’m a lot more curious and open-minded.
What do you believe in?
I’ve always been fond of the expression, ‘You can’t polish a t**d, but you can roll one in glitter.’ That’s always made complete sense to me. There’s a lot of wisdom in those words.
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