Thanks to HARRY POTTER UK ON FACEBOOK, I got to watch the live transmition of the premiere earlier today, and despite the slightly dodgy connection, I got to see Dan,Rupert,Emma,Jo Rowling,Julie Walters,Bonnie Wright,Tom Felton,The Phelps Twins,Ralph Fiennes,Mark Williams,John Hurt, Matthew Lewis,Evanna Lynch, Jason Isaacs, Helena-Bonham Carter, David Yates and David Baron arrive.
The trio,Bonnie and Jo were all dressed in black (or navy for individual Dan) as if mourning the begining of the end, with Emma and Jo both in lace.Rupert,Matt,Tom,the Phelps,Jason Isaccs and Ralph Fiennes were all suited up in lovely black suits while Dan went for Navy and Mark Williams chose something a little different as usual. Helena was rather normally dressed in a lovely red knee lenght,strapless dress and some nice feathers in her hair. Bonnie wore a sari-like dress and Clemense Poesy was to be seen in a dramatic long sleeved, high shouldered feather number.
The well known female Sky one interviewer,whose name i've forgotten (woops!), got to everyone, although i gave up after a while as it kept skipping (For my random comments see http://www.twitter.com/DanaholicsAnony ). It didnt rain too much,which may be down to the change in time! I imagine the change was due to Dan's filming for tomorrow night's Graham Norton.
Sky News have interviews with JK Rowling and Helena-Bonham Carter, and i will attempt to get the links to you as soon as they emerge. As with photos.
HERE'S AN OLD VIDEO; http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/video/Harry-Potter-And-The-Deathly-Hallows-Daniel-Radcliffe-Says-He-Will-Not-Appear-In-More-Potter-Films/Video/201011215798655?lid=VIDEO_15798655_HarryPotterAndTheDeathlyHallows:DanielRadcliffeSaysHeWillNotAppearInMorePotterFilms&lpos=searchresults
And here's a brand new one from Sky of the premiere arrivals!
bbc also has footage of arrivals; http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-11738178
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