Friday, May 1, 2015

Major reimagining of our website Danaholics Anonymous

Firstly, I'd like to apologise deeply to any and all of our most dedicated readers for the serious downslide of upkeep of the website in recent months. I began working full time and the thoughts of a computer screen when I finally got home were terrifying. The pc I own has become dial up speed of late and this makes it more of a challenge. I also run this ship by myself, which maybe I should ask for all you lovely people to help out?
In the next couple of weeks I will begin attempting to get everything up to date and keep it that way for the foreseeable future! In the meantime and where I falter at this endeavour, I keep the Twitter up to date as retweets I can do from my phone. For the most up to date news, follow us!

As part of a site revamp we will finally be updating that outdated galleries page to include more recent albums and some much needed  removal of Bebo links, with older photos being recovered and put into new FB album for your every week. We have also updated the layout and banner, so check it out and tell us what you think!

The competition page has been updated with all the details and links you need to enter our 'Very Good Lives' competition which will be open until the end of May. Check it out here!  The final thing that needs updating on the site is our News by Topic section which will be updated to include more recent projects etc.

We've mulled over whether to change the site name to something less childish, but worry we will lose any of the readers we do have! Let me know what you think. I came up with one half sleep half waking last night that was HPCN - Harry Potter Cast News. Thought it sounded like a US news network, but it's pretty corny!

Hope you stay tuned and we expect to have more competitions to award you for your dedication!

Niamh x
Admin, Danaholics Anonymous

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