Since our last Dan Radcliffe interview post got a little cramped, I decided to move the videos over here!
Now for some video interviews! Or at least some snippits from them since outside the US it is difficult to view the entire show.
Ellen Degeneres:
The Talk:
Dan sat down (and jumped around as can be seen from the image on the last post) with Josh Horrowitz of MTV recently and spoke about his boycott of Harry similar glasses in the future. US viewers can watch the video here, but for the rest of us I will have to continue to scour the internet for clips! In the meantime, below are some quotes.
Daniel Radcliffe’s message is clear: he is done with glasses forever.
Daniel’s fears are justified. At 25, the actor’s impressive repertoire including stage, television, and film is constantly eclipsed by his longtime stint as everyone’s favorite boy wizard. As he told MTV’s Josh Horowitz:
It’s gonna be contacts or like triangular glasses or something just to really put some distance. I haven’t needed them yet, but maybe I will one day. That could be worrying.
I am unsure if this is the same clip, but here is a humourous clip of Dan playing awful halloween store salesman:
There was also a junket in LA, attended by Snitchseeker staff, which can be read here.
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