Sunday, October 12, 2014

'Horns' on Demand, new clip, soundtrack snippit + 'What If' dvd/br release date

News has been slow and I have been busy doing overtime at work so here's the recent Dan news in one delectable bitesize for your reading pleasure.

Firstly I'm happy to report that What If the dvd/Blu-Ray is on its way to us next Month, (just in time for my anniversary love-in haha). IMDB had said 25th November but it has been confirmed as being out on that date.

In other in-home entertainment, Horns is now available on itunes and Amazon on demand for watching at home, before it hits cinemas later this month.
Amazon Instant Video

In other Horns news, a new clip and a sample from the bonechilling soundtrack have been released.
Telegraph had the clip below:

While the soundtrack preview is below:

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