Friday, October 5, 2012

JK Rowling Casual Vacancy Release,Reviews,Interview

The Casual Vacancy is doing very well (and rightly so!), and is atop the USA Today list according to Leaky Cauldron, with an added bonus of knocking 'popular because of hype' book 50 Shades of...Grey off the top.
In the U.K., there were 124,603 copies sold in its first week to take the top spot on the country's fiction chart. This is the fastest-selling hard cover in Britain since Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol came out in 2009, which sold more than 550,000 copies in its first week.

Have you read it yet? Feel free to add your opinions to the comments section of this page. I'm taking my time with it, but so far its characters are phenomenal and the plot,even though I don't really have a taste for political drama, is relatively gripping. 

In the run-up to the release, some promotion was done by Queen Rowling(a name I've been hearing Jo being dubbed quite a lot on Twitter) including mostly video interviews. As JK rarely gives interviews this was a big excitement for us Potter fans. The key interviews occurred with ABC Australia and The Culture Show in the UK. I had a link to the entire ABC 'Life After Harry Potter' interview of over a half hour,but it has since been taken down. I will continue searching for a replacement. In the meantime, below is a 6 minute section of that interview:

Highlights from Jk's appearance at the South Bank Centre last week are below:


Finally, JKR appeared on a The Culture Show special on BBC last week(i caught it by chance and was very happy. A friendly WARNING for younger  viewers that parts of the novel are read that include rather strong language. The video is below:


The German publication Spiegal did an interview with the writer which can be read in full here with a few snippets below:
SPIEGEL: Did you ever enjoy killing off a character?
JK Rowling:
No, never. Although that's not quite true. There was one exception. The only character I was happy to kill off was Bellatrix Lestrange in the last Harry Potter volume. Being able to kill her was a pleasure.

But can't all that freedom also lead to writer's block?
I like writing too much for that. More of a problem is the fact that Harry Potter comes with so many business-related responsibilities that I'm able to write less often than I'd like. Besides, I have three children, although I'm used to working around my children. Yesterday, for example, I had a wonderful writing day. I got the children ready for school, and once my husband was out of the house with them, I made breakfast for myself in the kitchen. Still in my pajamas, I took my breakfast to bed with me, grabbed my laptop and spent four hours working in bed. Delightful.

Jo also did some radio interviews, for NPR which can be listened to below and BBC in which she eluded to future books she would like to publish:
BBC: You said you were writing two books at the time you were writing The Casual Vacancy
J.K. Rowling:
More, actually. There were two books for children that are pretty well developed, and I think I will publish at some point. I like both of those. I’m pretty sure I know what the next one for adults will be, which I have started but is not very well advanced.

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