Friday, July 8, 2011


WOW. That was a crazy and reaaallly emotional final night to 3 nights in Trafalgar Square (4 FOR MY FRIENDS!). arrivals,little interviews, name it,i got a picture of it...even if some of them were just on the uber massive screen that was directly in front of us atop one of the interview stages. Got some nice ones of Rupert (left) and the rest of the main 4 (Jo,Dan,Rupert and Emma)which are here and on twitpic,but the rest will be posted on our facebook and the videos will be on youtube in due course...
I am a dedicated fan, but being a dedicated blogger and fanpage this last few days has been riddikulualy i hope you can have patience.

For now,i'll leave you with these few pictures and my memories...of telling people off for not learning the actors names (Clemence Poesy praised me on that) of finally meeting my true idol and saviour Joanne Rowling...for being unable to reach my book oir specially made tshirt to Dan and telling him i wouldnt get it tatooed if he signed my wrist...of rupert copnstantly smiling as we shouted praise at him..of Emma staying true to her word and comiung back to us all...of michael gambon being happy about me being from Dublin (well i'm not but its easier to say i am) ...of Neil Murray being shocked when i said hello...of Nat Tena admiring my sunglasses and being an allround sweetie...

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