I was lazily watching E! News yesterday afternoon (which here is one day behind the US) when this story came up.
Apparantly one of the patel twins (or at least the actress who portrays her) has been threatined by her family!
More on this when i research it. :(
RoomOfRadcliffe on Twitter has informed me that it is the Padma actress and has given me more details:
"RoomofRadcliffe @DanaholicsAnony Yes,very sad. Was in People mag yesterday: was because she is Muslim & was dating a Hindu. :( Afshan Azad - Padma "
I will try and find the People Mag article and e! news video.
The Herald Sun had this:
"The strict Muslim father and brother of "Harry Potter" actress Afshan Azad have been charged with threatening to kill her because she has a boyfriend.
Azad, 22, fled the suburban English home she shared with her father, Abdul, 54, mother, Nilofar, and three brothers after the bizarre incident May 21, authorities said.
A spokesman for prosecutors said her brother Ashraf, 28, physically attacked her and both he and their father threatened to kill her because of her relationship with an unidentified Hindu man.
They confronted her in her bedroom and left her "badly bruised" when she refused to stop seeing the man, reported the Daily Express."
"Afshan, who appeared in four “Potter” movies is believed to have taken refuge at the London home of friends.
Both of the accused men appeared in Manchester Magistrates' Court and were ordered not to travel to London while the case was adjourned until July 12.
Their bail conditions also required them to observe a curfew of 11pm to 6am and not to contact an unnamed man, believed to be the boyfriend.
Afshan, who had never acted before, was a student in Manchester in 2005 when she auditioned as a "laugh" for the film "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." She won the role of Padma Patil, one of Harry's classmates and later his girlfriend.
She appeared again as Padma, the twin of Parvati Patil, who is played by 22-year-old Shefali Chodhury, in three more films and will appear in the final installment, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows," next year."
- http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/breaking-news/harry-potter-actress-threatened-with-death/story-e6frf7jx-1225887577917
RoomOfRADCLIFFE also linked me to this People Mag article: http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20399221,00.html
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