Sunday, April 18, 2010

Let's try this again...


I tried to update the other day,but it failed to save.

Basically, what i would like to do is bring Harry Potter news to people who dont have time or access to it once again. I'm not going to get over-ambitious since i know myself that I won't always have the time to update with ALL the news, I am a Uni student after all. But I will try.

I will start from the most recent news, because it would take too long to update all i've missed. And most is probably not relevant anymore. Alot has happened since i ceased to post on my sister site on , both in the hp world and in my own. Most isnt worth of mention in both categories, but DEATHLY HALLOWS filming has probably finished up by now :( and more happily, i have met the subject of this site and some of his co-stars (pics shall be included) and i have seen some more sites of previous filming.

I shall post a well-outdated summary of the premiere itself later perhaps, but for now, here are my photos. I hope you subscribe to this blog, tell your friends to do the same and get something out of it, because that's what i'm here for, to find the news so you don't have to!

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