Tuesday, October 5, 2010


DAN has recently been displaying his shock and sadness at recent GBLT suicides to MTV;
"Learning about the suicide deaths of Tyler Clementi, Seth Walsh, Asher Walker, Billy Lucas and Justin Aaberg has been heartbreaking for me. These young people were bullied and tormented by people that should have been their friends. We have a responsibility to be better to each other, and accept each others' differences regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ability, or religion and stand up for someone when they're bullied."

"When a friend is feeling depressed or says they're thinking of killing themselves, we must take it seriously and get them help. My deepest sympathies go out to the families and friends of these excellent young people. And to all the young people who are being bullied right now, you are not alone. Call the Trevor Lifeline at 866 4-U-TREVOR, because there's always someone there who will listen and who can help."

Dan is a big supporter of the Trevor Project and has spoken many times for the acceptance of gay, lesbian and transgender people into society and against discrimination.


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