I promised WILD TARGET promo stuff agggeeess ago, i'm sorry i keep forgetting. Gonna put it up here for you, following an article that appeared in last Saturday's Guardian newspaper weekend magazine.
View the interview at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2010/jun/19/rupert-grint-interview . Above is one of the mad pose-y pictures that were included in the suppliment. Personally i dont think the poses suit him, he's more smiley, but you guys may like them. The rest are on the newspaper's site: http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/gallery/2010/jun/19/rupert-grint-fashion?picture=363582374 .
22nd june.
There's also a new trailer out which can be seen below:
And an interview with Rupert and Bill knighly here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/culturevideo/filmvideo/7839765/Wild-Target-interview-with-Bill-Nighy-Martin-Freeman-and-Rupert-Grint.html
But back to the old stuff!!
Rupert did a shoot for FAULT magazine which sent SS a preview for their July/August edition:

a video interview about Wild Target for This Morning, which refuses to show up properly for me, so go here to view: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jWWLhSDpTM and i'll get the embeded code up soon so it shows up on the blog.
And this one from lovefilm.com: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gooe2F6XvtI
and sky had this article:
which later appeared on the SPOTLIGHT box following the red button menu. i will attempt to have this one the post, but for now check it out on the link.
LOVEFILM had the following articles about Rupert. The first is from bbc to whom Rupert admitted he was scared:
"After years on the sets of various Harry Potter films, Rupert Grint has admitted working on another film was "scary".
Speaking to the BBC ahead of the release of new comedy Wild Target, the actor said: "It was quite an intimidating prospect to be on another set really, away from a crew that I'd grown up with.
"To be out of that bubble was quite scary."
In another Lovefilm themselves spoke to the 21 year old wizard:
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