Momentum Pictures posted this BLURRY image from the Apple podcast Meet the Filmmakers event held in London recently to mark the UK release of The Woman in Black, which took the Number One space at the boxoffice over the weekend! And rightly so! I saw it Saturday,my oh my, even my boyfriend admitted being scared! I was only saved humiliation by man-girls screaming in the back and all those clips/trailers for forewarning!
Snitchseeker posted some much clearer images from the event which can now be seen in our Dan album, and this video from the Paris premiere;
The Woman in Black Uk posted the podcast,which can be listened to here.
In other WIB appearances, Dan also appeared on the WATCH WHAT HAPPENS LIVE show, previously visited by Ralph Fiennes. Dan was subjected to EROTIC POTTER FANFICTION andf this can be viewed, thanks to Mugglenet, by mature audiences below;
Watch What Happens Live Season 6 - Harry Potter's Erotica - Video - Bravo TV Official Site
The rest of the show can be viewed right here.
Snitchseeker posted some new photoshoot images from LA TIMES photog Mark Boster, whixh can be seen here.
Chris Evans had Dan on his radio show the other morning and thanks to DR.CO.UK we have the link right here.
Anybody catch the ITV2 Premiere Special?Well I'm gonna have a good look for it online!Stay tuned!

Dan also answered fan questions for a half an hour recently via Glamour Mag's twitter. DR.COM posted the entire Q&A which can be read below,if you wish. Left is an image of Dan answering questions!Well sort of...
"I spoke to a counsillor & to friends about depression RT @JazzyBurton #AskDaniel How did you prepare to play a lawyer & father?#AskDaniel
ATM did anything scary happen on set? Answer is no. RT @Gemma_S_What is the one question u get tired of people asking? #AskDaniel
I was given a film poster of two children with their eyes scratched out that's scary RT @AnneTharby #AskDaniel Have u had nightmares of WIB?
If Harry was able to acquire some Kyptonite I reckon he could RT @amybethmom23 #AskDaniel Could Superman beat Harry Potter in a duel?
I stayed up watched Falty TowersRT @alaskatje What's the first thing you did when you heard you’d been chosen for HP? #AskDaniel
I'd love to play Puck in Midsummer Night's Dream RT @alenapetrie #AskDaniel Have you ever considered Shakespeare? Which role?
No, because my head got bigger RT @Lisa_Benefit did u wear the same glasses through the HP series? #askdaniel
I played base but stopped getting better at it. So stopped to see my friends @G_NiloO: Are you still playing guitar? #askdaniel”
In real life Ralph Fiennes is scarier. RT @Seleza #AskDaniel Who’s scarier: The Woman in Black or Voldemort?
ATM stop taking things I've said out of context RT @citywontsleep #askdaniel if you could change one thing in your life what would it be?
Direct films. Indie stuff to start with. RT @VickyMadThatter #AskDaniel Is there anything you haven’t done that you wish to do?
Katy Perry! She is the ideal for me. I was devastated [her & Russell] split! RT @MsErmaynee #AskDaniel Who's your celebrity crush?
There r enough connections bet Darren Criss & I! RT @jblover130193 #AskDaniel I'd like you to guest star on @GLEEonFOX what do you think?
The Libertines, and I met Pete Doherty. He was lovely RT @xsarahxcx: @GlamourMagUK #AskDaniel who is your fave singer/band??4
It's been a busy 5 weeks - I can't remember mine! RT @NIKIT101: Did you make any NY's resolutions? #AskDaniel
A moment in 6th film where I burst out of water surrounded by fire. So cool! RT @susan1375 #AskDaniel What was your favourite scene in HP?
Utter slob! I have made progress. I am using the floor less as a wardrobe RT @fionaaddison #AskDaniel Utter slob or neat freak?
So many. I'm a huge fan of Brad Pitt RT @LarmeDePhenix #askdaniel Who's the actor you would like to collaborate with?
The Master and Marguerita by Michal Bulgakov RT @poliminaj: @GlamourMagUK What's your favorite book? #AskDaniel
Thx for yr qu. To avoid any trouble, I can't asnwer! RT @HayleyTheRumour #AskDaniel Who was the better kisser Emma, Bonnie or Katie?
I'm doing a film called Kill Your Darlings, I play a 19 year old RT @krla16 #AskDaniel New projects?
I don't have the knowledge of the fashion world. I do have a stylist called Sam. RT @manymoonsaway Do you care about fashion? #AskDaniel
Most definitely! I don't know what yet. Not on my neck or face though. RT @MrsDanRad Would you ever consider getting a tattoo? #AskDaniel
When I go back to the house for a 2nd time. It's fantastic RT @agarwalsonika7 #AskDaniel What is your fave scene in #TheWomanInBlack?
Dr Strangelove, 12 Angry Men, A Matter Of Life & Death RT @Hedwwiig: #AskDaniel favourite film of all time?
I probs won't. I have enough trouble keeping my mouth shut as it is @PotterLover7: @glamourmaguk when are you gonna join twitter?#AskDaniel
It was a pleasure, and thank you : ) RT @Sutton_Black: #AskDaniel You made Harry real. Thank you:)
Thanks for all your qs. Woman In Black is out today. Hope you enjoy it and don't see it alone #AskDaniel "
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